Stefano Ponte
Copenhagen Business School
Dr. Stefano Ponte is a professor at the Copenhagen Business School’s Centre for Business and Development Studies. Dr. Ponte is primarily interested in transnational economic and environmental governance, with focus on overlaps and tensions between private authority and public regulation. His research, fieldwork, teaching and policy work is informed by international political economy approaches, global value chain analysis and convention theory.
Dr. Ponte also analyzes business-government-civil society interactions, economic development and environmental upgrading trajectories in global value chains — especially in Africa and in the global South. He is particularly interested in how sustainability labels, certifications and codes of conduct shape power relations in global value chains, and in how different forms of partnerships affect sustainability outcomes.
Finally, Dr. Ponte is involved in projects critically examining the role of celebrities and branding in these processes, new forms of development aid, changing corporate social and environmental responsibility practices, and cause-related marketing.
Project Clusters