Peter Dauvergne
University of British Columbia
Peter Dauvergne is a professor of international relations, specializing in global environmental politics. His research covers the politics of social movements, consumption, technology, and corporations, especially the consequences for social inequality and ecosystem degradation in the global South. Recent topics include the politics of climate change, food, plastic, biofuels, mining, ocean conservation, tropical deforestation, and artificial intelligence.
His recent books include Will Big Business Destroy Our Planet? (Polity, 2018), Environmentalism of the Rich (MIT, 2016, winner of APSA’s Michael Harrington Book Award), Protest Inc. (with G. LeBaron, Polity, 2014, shortlisted for BISA’s IPE Book Prize), Eco-Business (with J. Lister, MIT, 2013), Paths to a Green World, 2nd ed. (with J. Clapp, MIT, 2011), Timber (with J. Lister, Polity, 2011), and The Shadows of Consumption (MIT, 2008, winner of the Gerald L. Young Book Award). His books have been translated into Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and Arabic. A documentary film of Protest Inc. is in production.
Since 2010 he has published articles in Global Environmental Change (2012, 2017, 2018, 2019), the Journal of Peasant Studies (2010, 2015), International Studies Review (2013, 2016), Third World Quarterly (2012, 2013, 2018), Global Environmental Politics (2010, 2016, 2018), Pacific Affairs (2017), Globalizations (2017), the Journal of Environment & Development (2017), Environmental Policy & Governance (2017), Progress in Development Studies (2014), New Political Economy (2013), Political Geography (2012), Environmental Politics (2011, 2018), Millennium (2010), Organization & Environment (2010), and the Australian Journal of International Affairs (2018).
At UBC, he has served as associate dean (2006-08), senior adviser to the president (2008-09), and director of the Liu Institute for Global Issues (2009-14). He is also the founding and past editor of the journal Global Environmental Politics.
In 2016 the International Studies Association presented him with its Distinguished Scholar Award for Environmental Studies. In 2018 he was inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC).
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